By purchasing this download, you gain unrestricted access to a download jam packed with routines, secrets and uses for your new deck.
Here are just a few of the things included on the download.
1. When to peek/ how to reveal information - An in depth tutorial focused on how and when to peek the marking systems in performance and then how that information should be revealed. This is includes the psychology of peeking andhow to create natural, justified moments in performance to gain information. These philosophies can be applied to your other magic and mentalism routines.
2. 'Perdita' - An extremely fair and deceptive way of knowing a thought of playing card after it has been selected and lost in the deck. This is completely hands off and my go to effect tofool magicians. "You can even be looking away"
3. 'Spectator as mind reader' - My take on the famous "spectator" as mind reader routine. Coach a spectator to read your mind to divine the exact identity of a playing card you are thinking of.
4. 'Amnesia' - A simple, yet elegant routine where you hypnotize the spectator to forget their selected playing card. This is 100% reliable and a complete fooler.
5. 'YES/ NO' cards - There are so many applications for these cards, I feel that if this was the only section provided on the download people would still be more than happy.
6. 'Uses for the blank card' - In this section of the download we will take a look at a few mentalism related routines. Whether you are a complete beginner at mentalism or a competent performer there is something in here for everyone.
7. ACAAN by Peter Turner - Gifted by Peter Turner. His new, incredible and fooling take on this amazing card effect. I would recommend buying a brick to gain access to this effect alone.
8. Out of this the Galaxy - A novel take on the classic 'Out of this world' plot with a kicker ending.
9. Thought of card divination - The spectator thinks of a card, they never take it from the deck, never say it out loud and you can reveal it. If it sounds too good to be true, that's because itis.
10. Getting to Know You - My take on Peter Turner's classic effect from his 'Devil in Disguise' series. During this effect I will teach you how to read your spectator with stunning accuracy(without the fear of failure) and as a kicker you will also be able to reveal your spectators exact star sign. There is is no fishing, anagrams or having to rely on linguistics and is a perfect crash course in giving simple yet powerful readings.
11. Getting 2 Know you - Never before seen, or released, Peter Turners updated version of 'Getting to know you' "This is worth the price of the download alone."
12. Dob Divination - If you've ever wanted to reveal more information than a simple playing card, this system will allow you to reveal the exact date your spectator was born. This is is also a system that can be used to reveal other pieces of information such as a pin code.
13. A Blind coincidence - A brilliant do as I do type routine with an impossible outcome.
14. Eye to Eye - Learn how to use the secret in-built design on the Ace of spades to reveal a psychologically thought of playing card.
15. Bonus idea - One way force deck! clever uses for your one way force deck.
NOTE: Included in this product is printed details to gain access to this digital content. Resurrected V2 playing cards are NOT included.