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--Blaine Watch--
The Rising Card trick was featured on David Blaine's Street Magic Special.


A spectator freely selects any card from the deck, it`s then remembered and replaced in the deck. The deck may then be cut by the spectator before it is either held by the magician or placed into a glass or leaned against any other object. Seemingly on command, the spectator`s freely chosen card then rises out of the deck!

Rising Card Deck (Red)

Regular price £26.20
Sold out

--Blaine Watch--
The Rising Card trick was featured on David Blaine's Street Magic Special.


A spectator freely selects any card from the deck, it`s then remembered and replaced in the deck. The deck may then be cut by the spectator before it is either held by the magician or placed into a glass or leaned against any other object. Seemingly on command, the spectator`s freely chosen card then rises out of the deck!
Rising Card Deck (Red)
Rising Card Deck (Red)
Drawer Title

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